Origin Energy
Safety compliance program
About our awesome client
Origin Energy are the leading provider of energy to homes and businesses throughout Australia, and a major energy provider in New Zealand and the Pacific. With staff and contractors in almost all areas of Australia, their Training & Competency and Professional Development teams are continually seeking brilliant and innovative solutions to career development.

So what was the problem?
With a bucketload of safety processes that need complying with, and a target audience that were really great at application, their existing five day theory focussed permit program wasn't working as well as it could. Combine the long program with their remote workforce, and the cost of keeping the program running was significant.
Origin approached us to help invigorate their program, make it more efficent, but most importantly, re-design the program to suit their specific target audience.
Here's how we made them look brilliant!
Starting with a scoping design workshop, we looked at the key principles of the procedure. Combining that with the profile of the target audience we developed, and the design we came up with was incredibly hands-on, focused only on the main areas - but most importantly, acknowledged the experience of the target group.
This was a massive shift from where they were before, but the shortened three day program was saving them massive amounts in travel costs, shift resources and contractor fees. Our design gave learners the opportunity to share their experiences with one another and some of the best learning now comes from their peers. The secret? Well, we just provided them a structured process to make this happen (and in the profile we initially created, we knew this was something that would go down a treat!).

What they're saying about the solution
After the original pilot session, the learner group started to realise just how much they already knew. It's completely changed the mindset of this group from being one where they felt overwhelmed with what they thought they needed to know and enforce, to one where they're confident in their ability.
One of our the key goals is to rid the world of mediocre learning. We do this because mediocre learning makes learners feel mediocre. On the other hand, fantastic learning makes people confident and great at their jobs, which is what we're all about and what Origin are now experiencing.
They now have volunteers putting their hand up to be a part of this select group, where beforehand, people were sometimes unwillingly nominated into the role. That in itself says a lot about the support they're getting as a result of the program!
Want us to help make you awesome too?
Then get in touch and we'll come and have a chat about designing an incredible solution for your organisation. Our goal is to completely rid the world of boring learning, and we're always looking for organisations that want to join the learning revolution with us!